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The Beginning...

Good morning!

With tax season ending, the average individual is done with that headache and moving on. Not the small business owner. Small business owners have quarterly tax schedules to file, tons of paperwork to keep up with annually and not enough hands or heads to keep it all straight.


We are here to help. I started this business with the average small business owner or small church pastor in mind. I know you have great ideas and that you are very talented...we all are. I also know that the problem is not in your talent, it's the completion of the "other" side of the business.

You are great at what you do. In order to do what you and continue to do it well (and actually receive money for it) you have to take care of the paperwork and financial reporting that goes along with it.

I am here to help. If you want to preach, teach, paint, build, fix or create but can not seem to keep the books straight or file the right paperwork with the Federal or local government on time, call me. I will help you. We can get the business side of things on track so that you can do what you do best - worry-free!

Remember - you and numbers are made for each other - you just need a matchmaker so to speak. Someone to set up the date for you in a really nice atmosphere so that you can hit it off and live happily ever after. I am your girl - The Numbers Doctor!

Have a wonderful and productive day!


Numbers are our friends.

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